15 Summer Flowers + DIY Seed Packets

15 Summer Flowers + DIY Seed Packets

Choosing the right flowers for your garden can be a difficult task, especially when summertime rolls around. The best summer flowers can handle hot temperatures and don’t rely on frequent watering as most other plants do. 

We’ll cover some care advice on growing the brightest summer flowers and provide a step-by-step tutorial on creating seed packets. Whether you decide to grow dahlias or sunflowers or even lavender, you’ll be set to create your own DIY seed packets and see your garden thrive in no time. 

15 of the Best Summer Flowers for Your Garden

Maintaining your garden year-round is one thing, but making sure you have the right variety of flowers during the summertime is another. Whether you’re looking for an extra splash of color or need some inspiration for flowers that tolerate warmer weather, we’ve got you covered.

If you can’t decide which summer flowers to add to your garden, we’ve compiled a list of the 15 most popular blooms that thrive in full sunlight even during the hottest months.

1. Bougainvillea 


Bougainvilleas are shrub-like vines that grow beautiful clusters of flowers in vivid colors. You can plant these bright plants in the ground or in a pot, however, keep in mind that some varieties can grow up to 30 feet long! This is a great choice for your summer garden because bougainvillea bushes can actually thrive with little water and full sun. 

2. Daffodil


You won’t regret adding these bright yellow blooms to your garden. Daffodils are uniquely shaped flowers that are commonly grown in brilliant shades of yellow and sometimes even white. These easy perennials are often seen in many regions of North America, but prefer climates that aren’t humid or wet. 

3. Begonia


This brightly colored flower is drought-resistant and perfect for those who are new to the gardening world. Begonias grow in clusters of red, pink or white blooms and will blossom all throughout the summertime, whether they’re in the shade or sun. If you’re looking to grow a relatively low-maintenance garden, these flowers are perfect for you!

4. Sunflower


The name says it all! Sunflowers are a great choice for gardens in the summertime and will brighten up your whole space. These beloved flowers will do well in full sunlight and can grow anywhere from small containers to a full-sized garden. You may even make a few friends with the birds and bees, who absolutely love hanging around sunflowers.

5. Lavender


Known for its calming fragrance, lavender is a widely popular herb that makes for a great garden addition during the summer. If you’re feeling crafty, you can grow these flowers and use the foliage in aromatherapy, cooking or even as an essential oil. These flowers do well when grown along a pathway or border, but are also a great choice if you’re looking to plant in a small container or more condensed space. 

6. Marigold


These annual flowers boast beautiful golden petals that are sure to brighten up any garden. Not only are they great for beginners, but they also serve to protect vegetables and other flowers as they attract plenty of beneficial insects such as butterflies and ladybugs. Be sure to plant your marigolds in full sun and you’ll soon be rewarded with a stunning array of golden blooms. 

7. Peony 


Peonies are sweetly scented flowers that begin blooming in late May to early June. With proper care, you could maintain these lush flowers for decades to come. Known for their ability to thrive in almost any climate, peonies are trouble-free flowers and very easy to grow when planted in ideal growing conditions. Provide a sunny location and don’t plant them too deeply in the soil (about 12-18 inches is recommended). 

8. Dahlia


With hundreds of varieties to choose from, there’s sure to be a dahlia plant out there for you. This summertime favorite comes in every shade of color you could think of and are best grown in containers or borders around your garden. Dahlias are also commonly used in flower bouquets due to their long-lasting nature, so don’t hesitate to create a beautiful arrangement for a loved one!

9. Hydrangea


Hydrangeas are a classic choice for any gardener who is looking for the perfect summertime flower. No matter what color or variety of hydrangea you choose to grow, it will certainly make a stunning statement in your garden. Hydrangeas also make for gorgeous flower arrangements and cut bouquets if you choose to brighten up the inside of your home. Be sure to deeply water your hydrangeas at least once a week and keep them in full sun or partial shade. 

10. Petunia


Looking for that pop of color in your garden? You may want to consider petunias and their wide array of stunning colors and patterns. These popular flowers have a long flowering period and don’t require much maintenance. In order to ensure full and healthy blooms, keep the plant in full sun and provide weekly waterings. 

11. Chrysanthemum


Mums will bring the sunshine straight to your garden! With regular watering and warmer temperatures, chrysanthemums will reward you with bright colors and blooms all summer long. If you want to ensure your plant is established before the wintertime, allow your mums to grow their roots in the spring so they can come back the following year. 

12. Succulent


Succulents are widely popular houseplants due to their low-maintenance and easy-to-care-for nature, but they actually do quite well outside, too! These heat- and drought-tolerant plants come in hundreds of shapes and sizes and are an exciting sight to see. Keep the plant in full sun and water about every other week during the summer and once a month in the winter.

13. Poppy


Known for their delicate petals and deeply saturated colors, poppies are suitable for any garden style. This native California flower comes in shades of pink, orange and red and requires full sun. After a full bloom in the summertime, they’ll die off and return the following year. 

14. Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Alyssum

Just like the name suggests, these flowers have a sweet, honey-like fragrance and come in shades of purple, white, yellow, pink and salmon. The flowers are on the smaller side, which makes them the perfect choice for filling in walkways or cracks in your garden. Be sure to keep sweet alyssums in the sun for at least 6 hours a day and water at least once a week. 

15. Hibiscus


These unique blooms are the official Hawaii state flower and are perfect for those who live in humid climates. Their wide range of stunning color variations will have your neighbors wishing they planted some in their own garden. However, unlike many other flowers, hibiscuses require frequent watering, ideally once a day if your summers are on the warmer side. 

16. Daylily


Daylilies are perennial flowers that grow in warm and vivid colors, making them the perfect summer choice for your garden. Their botanical name, Hemerocallis, means “beauty for a day”, which perfectly describes this unique flower’s habit of opening in the morning and dying by nightfall. Once you’ve picked your daylily, be sure to provide at least 6 hours of sunlight and moist soil for optimal growth.

17. Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan

Also known as Rudbeckia hirta, these golden wildflowers are native to North America and are a popular choice for gardeners of all levels. These gorgeous daisy-like blooms get the name “black-eye” after their distinct dark brown centers, and are great for cut flowers or borders around the yard. Black-eyed susans also produce a nectar that attracts many beneficial insects, like butterflies and bees.

18. Lantana


These cheerful blooms are known for their rounded clusters that come in a rainbow of colors. Lantanas are often used as border shrubs or ground cover and prefer to be grown in warmer climates. They enjoy full sunlight and thorough waterings — if you have sandy soil, be prepared to water the plant daily. 

19. Canna Lily

Canna Lily

Canna lilies can be easily identified by their dramatic foliage and large flowers that boast shades of yellow, red, and orange. They are low-maintenance flowers and fairly easy to grow, so if you’re new to gardening these are definitely a good choice. When planting your canna lilies, place them in full sun as they prefer to get plenty of heat. 

20. Fan Flower

 Fan Flower

Also known as Scaevola, fan flowers are an excellent choice for summer gardens. You can identify this plant simply by looking at it’s delicate petals arranged in a fanlike pattern. Each bloom only has five petals, which gave it the nickname “half-flower”. These flowers are drought-tolerant and love the sun, so don’t be afraid to give it full sunlight!

How To Create DIY Seed Packets


Create DIY Seed Packets 

Now that you’ve got an idea of what kind of flowers you’ll be growing this summer, why not create your own DIY seed packets? This quick and easy craft will be perfect for storing your summer seeds with your own personal touch — everyone around the block will be loving your creativity!

DIY Seed Packets

Putting together your own seed packets can be done in five simple steps and will require the supplies listed below:


  • Printable seed packet template

  • Pen or marker (get creative with colorful markers)

  • Scissors or a paper cutter

  • Tape or glue stick

Tutorial Summary:

  1. Choose + Print Out the Template

  2. Cut Along the Edges

  3. Glue It All Together

  4. Add the Plant Name and Details

  5. Place the Seeds Inside the Packet

Need some additional guidance? See our step-by-step DIY seed packet tutorial below.

Step 1: Choose + Print Out the Template

We’ve provided four different seed packet designs to choose from. We recommend using a color printer to get the most out of these adorable designs. Print out whatever pattern speaks to you the most and get ready to put it all together!

Check out each of our templates below to see what matches your aesthetic:


Simple Seed

If you want to keep your seed packets simple and classy, this template might be the perfect one for you. Choosing a more minimalistic style will match any aesthetic and is a great way to keep yourself organized. 

Simple Seed

Fun + Colorful 

Fun + Colorful

Looking to create a seed packet that’s bright and fun, just like you? Check out this colorful template below that captures all the great things we love about the summertime, like warm weather and bright flowers.

Fun + Colorful 

Great for the Kids

Great for the Kids

If your kids are looking to get involved in the project, you may want to use this template! Our designs are black and white, leaving it open for the kids to create their very own masterpiece. Just have your kids color or paint them before cutting them out (in step 2).

Great for the Kids



If you’ve got an upcoming wedding or need an easy and fun wedding favor idea, creating DIY seed packets is the perfect way to go. With a sweet message that reads, “Let Love Blossom” and a beautiful design that embodies romance, this will surely bring a smile to your guests.


Step 2: Cut Along the Edges

Once you have the template of your choice printed out, grab a pair of scissors and cut along the edges. Follow the lines provided and make sure you make clean cuts — it’ll make the next step easier.

Step 3: Glue It All Together

Once the form is carefully cut out, grab your glue stick and seal the edges. Glue the bottom and left tab over the backside and leave the top tab open so you can easily place your seeds inside at the end of the process. 

Step 4: Add the Plant Name + Details

Grab a pen or some colorful markers and write the plant name of your choosing. Feel free to add in the date and any growing instructions you might need to complete the packet. 

Step 5: Place the Seeds Inside the Packet

Once you finish customizing your packet and filling in the details, you’re ready for the last and final step. Add in your desired seeds and voila! You’ve created your very own DIY seed packets.

Now that you’ve got your own DIY seed packets and flowers of choice in mind, what are you waiting for? This summer will be your time to shine by planting some of the most unique and colorful flowers in your garden. With our care advice, you’ll become a gardening expert even in the most challenging weather conditions!
